My pal JC and I were on a casual ride through the park to take advantage of Sunday's car-free zone. We were passing by the de Young when I saw this young man eating a hot dog while riding his bike. He was wearing a velvet blazer, pegged jeans, black Vans and purple argyle socks. His name was Andy. I asked if I could take a photo of him, and he proceeded to do this backwards trick for me.

Then he asked me if I had ever seen Superman.

And if you didn't believe me about the socks, well, here they are:

Not sure if Andy makes the case for the "normalization" of cycling in SF, but no one ever said that SF was normal. Thanks for stopping to talk to us, Andy!
That was fun, thanks!
Thank YOU!!! We were super impressed! See you around!
Wow, pretty awesome dude. Got a good laugh out of the Superman move! :D
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