Occupation: Design and sales for the online sock company, Sock Dreams
Hometown: Portland
Portland neighborhood: Inner Southeast
Helmet or no helmet: Helmet, though I slack a lot in the summer…
Type of bike: It's an SE frame, fixed gear.
Describe what you like best about your bike: I love how quick and light my bike is, and also that I bought her as my college graduation present to myself.
Describe your cycling experience in Portland: Really great overall, minus a few nicks and bruises here and there:). I feel lucky to live in a place where I can quickly and safely get anywhere I need to go by bike.
Favorite time or place to ride: There’s nothing quite like riding in the middle of the night over the bridges here in Portland, when no one’s on the road and everything is so still and peaceful.
Favorite color: Is it weird to say brown? I love love love brown with light blue.
Artist most commonly played on iPod at the moment: There's been a lot of Wire, Gun Club, and Charles Mingus in the last few days.
Describe your personal style: I pretty much wear shorts and ballet flats every day, and a vest or cardigan. Pretty basic, always black, brown, or gray. I wear newsboy caps a lot, too--actually, one of my coworkers says I dress like a newsboy.
Vélo Vogue tip of the day: When it comes to riding, I've noticed that I'm happiest with less accessories, less gears, less mapped-out directions if I'm just joy riding, and so on. Simplify.
Yay, Laura! She's so cute. I love brown with light blue, too. And shorts with ballet flats.
She's a total cutie. The smile, the style, the bike. Which do you admire first?
So I'm kind of in love with her hair...
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