
KT, Meli, Tut & The Golden Age of Cycle Chic

Though I've been known to parody my friends' self-portraits lately, this one just happened to be a happy accident.

The Golden Age et moi.
The Golden Age of Cycle Chic 1

And now, Meli y Tut.TUT & i

Great minds do think alike.

Be golden.
Be chic.
And bike.


Christa said...

Ooo.. I love reflection photos too.

reflection photo + bicycle + de Young Museum = awesome!

Kristin Tieche said...

Send us your reflection shot, Christa!

Lady Vélo said...

Oooh - so lovely!

Anonymous said...

what kind of bike is the folding one in the top picture?

Kristin Tieche said...

It's a KHS Latte, single speed folding bike: http://www.khsbicycles.com/09_latte_07.htm

Christa said...

Oh, good idea!

Will find one and add to the Flickr group. :)

MELI. said...

yyeahh BABY!! :D
and wear dresses and skirts like we SF girls do, eh ehh
xoxx.meli <3