plus a dose of urban cycling...

can lead to some serious issues. Don't let cycling become a pain in the ass!

Luckily for my sake, my coccydynia symptoms haven't progressed much past my tailbone. I've seen a doctor and a physical therapist, and have resorted to old fashioned pain relief - sitting on ice and taking painkillers. Though it's going to take a while to heal, one can avoid chronic coccydynia.
Start here: Measure your butt! At Mike's Bikes, you can get specially fitted for a saddle. They have this nifty contraption they refer to as the "Assometer."

It measures the space between your sit bones, so they can determine the right sized bike seat for your tush.
When you're actually sitting on your sit bones and not your tailbone, you feel like your posture is a heck of a lot better and in my case, there has been an instantly noticeable reduction in the tailbone pain. KT is a happy girl again!

The sales rep at Mike's picked out this Specialized saddle for me, and it seems to be helping. So far, those notorious SF potholes haven't felt like the jackhammer they once did.

And serendipitously enough, I was introduced to the Pedal Panties gals, and I got myself my very own pair of stylish purple panties with a subtle butt pad so you can wear them under skirts and dresses with no VPL to speak of.

It feels good to be back in the saddle! Ride on!
I want the job of butt measurer. I'd be perfect for the job. I'm old and harmless and I would be dedicated.
You know, Oldfool, those Pedal Panties would be great under a kilt ; )
LOL to you both!
Ouch! Hope that you are ok... I didn't know that such a service existed for bum-measuring either!
I'm ok - but a pain in the arse is a pain in the arse!
=v= While I admittedly don't spend a lot of time looking at my ass, I'm reasonably confident that that's not my precious behind on the wrong saddle.
Coccygodynia can be relieved by chiropractors. Seek help, no amount of drugs or exercises will address the issue. You need someone who practices Logan basic.
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