
Wednesday's Dudes

Here's some eye-candy to get you over the hump!

So happy to be getting a ride home
by Steven Vance, Chicago

Cheers, Autumn!
by poetas, Portland

Red Circles
by Quiltro Elemento, Santiago de Chile

Nighttime Boys
by Mikael Colville-Andersen, Copenhagen, Denmark

bike +carry your art
by meligrosa, San Francisco

by Cameron Adams, Chattanooga

by 'Xander, Toronto


eva.lu said...

awww Mr.Portlandize always looks so dapper. Nice set VV - hubba hubba!

Anonymous said...

well, lookie there! there's my eye candy! :)

Cameron Adams said...

@Trina Glad to be of help ; )

Anonymous said...

Just what is it about a guy on a bike??

Kristin Tieche said...

Fuck Yeah!