Not quite a Mixte, but it was the red and black on this Frenchie that stopped me in my tracks, as if I was looking into the mirror.

Its owner and I briefly discussed which twin was older or younger. I do believe my Mixte is from 1979, but I could be wrong. We couldn't figure out if the Mixte came first or this more feminine frame.
I don't understand -- why do you say it's not a mixte?
She was the one who pointed out to me that the bars are more stuck together than separated and convinced me that it was not a Mixte.
I agree. Looks like a mixte to me! But I'm no expert. What would you call this frame if not a mixte?
I have no idea.
rouge et noir twins!! and she looks styling :DDD
My bike has a similar frame, (single bar that separates right before seatpost) and I've always called it a mixte. or a super-mixte!
Then forever Mixte it shall be!!!
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