
young at heart

How does it feel to be young?


Carefree. Spontaneous. Flirtatious. Ambitious. Gutsy. Invincible.

We take risks because we can afford to make mistakes.

We throw caution to the wind because we have nothing to lose.

We follow every whim because we have the time.

In every interaction, there is so much possibility.


MELI. said...

this made me think of the movie Wild at Heart. now, let's go cupcake ;)

Kristin Tieche said...

In France, Wild At Heart was called Sailor et Lula.

I luv David Lynch.

kfg said...

One of these days I'm going to have to make the time and mental attitude to take a serious crack at Rabbits. It certainly defies anything like a casual approach.

I once played Every Little Star to a coffeehouse audience of a hundred or so people and offered a prize to anyone who could tell me what movie I'd been watching obsessively for the past two days; and was actually surprised that no one got it.

And I used to think that people came to see me because they had exemplary taste.

Kristin Tieche said...

Or try this one?


kfg said...

That's the movie that made me a Lynch fan, but I have to be really "on"; and a bit crazy, to take on Orbison.

Anonymous said...

Good words to live by and ones that I've been falling short on lately.